I'm reading different things on the Internet and come across this short piece called Michele Barbera is (Accidentally) Pregnant. So this has caught my attention and I click on the video. This comedian starts off saying that she's pregnant but it was an accident. This makes me giggle a little. She then explains she got drunk and wandered into an IVF clinic. I giggle some more. She says that there were all these waivers and the subcutaneous shots then the expense of it all. It ends there. It's really short.
I realize that some might be offended by her joke. IVF is supposed to be something serious. It's a procedure that many women go through that are unable to have a child. Sometimes it's even heart breaking. I agree IVF is all that. It is is also very stressful. The whole thing is a wild roller coaster ride. I know I went through it three times. The thing that got me through it all was the humor my husband I had during it all.
It was my second procedure and the doctor was running late so I was stressing a bit. The reason I was stressing was when they put the embryos back into you, you must have a full bladder. Here I was drinking my water like a good girl and holding it in. When the nurse came in to say that the doctor was running a little late due to a traffic accident, she told me if I had to I could go in the bathroom and let a little urine out. I am wondering who could do this. I knew if I was going to the bathroom my whole bladder was emptying out. There was not going to be any stopping it after a little came out.
So the doctor gets there and my husband is told the put on a hospital gown and such so he could go in with me. It was nice that he was going to be allowed in for the conception of our child. My husband puts on all the stuff, even the paper booties on his shoes then looks at me and says, "Does this outfit make me look fat?" I started laughing then I started cursing telling him that was not right. I was going to pee on the bed if he didn't stop. You know what that little bit of laughter made me relax and the procedure went smoothly. When I finally was allowed to get up, I was never so happy in all my life to see a bathroom.
The next bit of humor came when we decided we needed to name the embryos. We weren't sure at this point how many had implanted. It could have been as many as three or as little as none. So I was talking about crazy celebrity baby names and told hubby we needed to name the baby Peach Cobbler. He nicked that name. So when telling my co-worker about it the next day she suggested Bananas Foster. We had to come up with two more names in case all three were in there. So we had Bananas Foster, Cherries Jubilee and Orange Sherbert. That procedure unfortunately didn't work so we had to try again. This time hubby wanted Bear Claw but I said no to that. So he suggested Apple Fritter. We had Apple Fritter, Baked Alaska and for the life of me I can't remember the third name. After that procedure didn't work, we waited on naming the embryo. After we found out there was only one, I came up with the name Lemon Merringue. I chose this because this was my Grandmother's favorite dessert. All through my pregnancy my daughter was referred to as Little Lemon.
I remember having to give my best friend Lemon reports after each doctor visit. This little tiny bit of humor kept us from coming apart. I had two miscarriages and we were so worried. The humor really helped. So before you get all high and mighty about a little humor injected into a serious situation, think about that little bit of laughter might be helping someone out.
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